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History of the East Bay Rose Society
Organized 1947
Dr. Charles Vernon Covell, a member of the East Bay Counties Rose Society (founded 1933), was President of the American Rose Society for the years of 1946 and 1947. In January of 1947 more than 40 rosarians met in Oakland's Central Bank building to form The Rose Study Club of Oakland. Dr. Covell asked William A. (Bill) Seher to head a committee to prepare for the organization of the club at the next meeting. Members of that first board were: Alvin Kyte, President; Mrs. Carrie Dozier, Vice President; Bill Seher, Secretary/Treasurer; William Frapwell, Ellen Salter (Leloy), Harold Westcott, Directors; and Dr. Covell in the Past President chair. Dues were $4.50 per year, which included the $3.50 ARS dues! Regular meetings were to be held in January, March, May, September, and November (the annual meeting). The name EAST BAY ROSE SOCIETY was adopted along with new by-laws at the October 15, 1958 meeting.
Last updated: 3/7/09