Of the American Rose Society
Minutes of the Spring Business Meeting
March 3, 2001
Art & Garden Center, Sacramento, CA
The Spring Business meeting of the Northern California-Nevada-Hawaii
District was called to order at 9:40 a.m. by Steve Steps, District Director.
A welcome to the business meeting was given by Gale Ann Morris, President
of Sacramento Rose Society. Mendocino Rose Society had no representative
at the meeting.
The minutes of the October 15, 2000 Fall Business
Meeting were presented and approved with the following corrections:
Paragraph 2, line 6, sentence changed to
read: An official list of exhibition rose names was approved.
Paragraph 5, line 2, sentence changed to
read: Muriel Humenick, District Education Director reported
the Sacramento Valley All Miniature Rose Show will be June 23-24.
In the absence of the Treasurer, the financial statement was distributed
by Barbara Picarelli with comments presented by Steve Steps, District
Director. Steve noted that the Expenses and Income as presented are correct.
Steve also asked each Society to verify that their trophy donation status
was correct.
Steve Steps explained that the expense for the Criterion has been increased
in the proposed budget due to increase in printing costs. It was also
noted that we need to maintain/increase subscriptions. It is necessary
to keep a mailing minimum of 200 to maintain bulk mail rate.
Questions on Proposed Budget:
Q: Why $.99 for Roses In Review for last year and $150 in proposed
A: Alice Affleck explained that the financial report did not reflect
her bill for Roses in Review.
On a motion by Rose Gilardi, with a second by Ted
Burg, the Financial Report was approved with a single no vote.
ARS was closed just before Christmas due
to an ice storm. ARS Headquarters was closed for 10 days with no power.
Carol Spiers continued to work from home during this time and Steve noted
that necessary work kept moving effectively throughout the inconvenience.
He reported that while some trees on the grounds were damaged beyond repair,
there was no damage to any structures.
Every 3 years as new officers and chairpersons
take office the ARS has a planning meeting. This term's meeting was last
month in St Louis. There were 6 planning /brainstorming sessions and of
those 6, two were facilitated by NCNH District members: Beverly Rose Hopper
and Jolene Adams. NCNH District was well represented at this meeting and
Steve thanked them on behalf of the District for their hard work.
ARS Financial Status continues to be extremely
tight. Part of the problem is in the reporting procedures. It is difficult
to tell what is happening. For instance, Steve said that the June 30th
report showed that a positive $105,000 for the 1st six months
of last year, but if you looked at the checking account it went down $122,000
in the same period of time. He noted a quarter of a million dollar discrepancy
between the checking account and the printed financial report. Steve indicated
he finds that unacceptable. He noted that a "radical" California representative
produced an 11 page report on how to put the ARS on a straight cash basis
of accounting. That member worked with Past and Present Treasurers and
the outcome of the meeting is that ARS will be moving to a cash basis.
ARS dues increase. April 1, 2001 is the last
day to renew at the current lower rate and Steve suggested that all look
seriously at renewing at the 3-year renewal rate ($90 for 3 years).
ARS will be conducting formal fundraising
campaign, in particular related to the Klima Center. For more information
call/email Steve.
A committee was formed to look at reorganizing
the structure of the ARS.
Currently there are 18 District Directors, 10 Regional Directors, President,
Vice President and Treasurer. That is a Board of 31 Voting members. That
is quite a large Board. The committee is looking at ways to streamline,
one idea is have the Regional Directors deal with ARS as the "business."
The District Directors (18) would deal with ARS as the "Society", i.e.
educational programs, CRs, Judges, Roses in Review, etc.
Questions on the ARS UPDATE:
Q: Alice Affleck wanted to know if the $5 rebate will continue after
the dues increase goes into effect?
A: Steve responded that he did not recall that issue coming up and
suggested that the societies continue to take out the $5 prior to sending
in the new members dues to ARS. If that isn't right, ARS will let you
know. To clarify the procedure for all: the process is to have the new
member write a check to the local society for their ARS dues, and the
local society Treasurer then writes a check to ARS minus $5 for that
new member's dues.
Q: How do you become a Regional/District Director?
A: There is a process and forms to complete, but minimum requirements
for each are:
District Director - 3 years as ARS member
Regional Director - must have served as a District Director*
Vice President - has to have served on the ARS Board previously
The Vice President automatically becomes the President
*There are some exceptions to the Regional Director process if no one
runs for a Region and the deadline has passed, but that is an uncommon
Rosemary Sawyer explained the Silver Medal Honor Committee, its charge
and how the representatives are chosen. She noted that each society has
a representative on the committee. She emphasized that the identity of
that person is known ONLY by the local society president, the representative,
and Rosemary as the Chairperson. The term is concurrent with the term
of the District Director. Please refer to the article in the Criterion
related to this for further information. She noted that 10 societies have
not responded to date with an appointed representative to this important
committee. A printed copy of her remarks is attached to the official minutes
in the Secretary's binder.
Questions about the Nominations and Awards Committee:
Q: Rose Gilardi asked what the stand was on a "no medal awarded" vote.
RS: Rosemary responded that if the majority of the committee voted
that way, whether she agreed or not, she would abide by the consensus.
She pointed out that she is the Chair and remains neutral in the process.
She facilitates the round of votes after all nominations are in.
Q: Miriam Illencik asked if a list can be published of those not eligible
for award (because they are serving in positions which exclude them
for consideration for a certain time period).
RS: No, it is not allowed under the ARS rules.
Q: Sharon McColgan asked why the "no medal" was included.
RS: Not certain, but obviously in response to a situation where that
was necessary.
Q: Can someone receive 2 Silver Medals?
RS: No.
It was also pointed out that care should be taken not to appoint people
to this committee who are good candidates for the Silver Medal, because
serving on this term's committee makes them ineligible for nomination
until the year 2005! Rose Gilardi suggested that if someone already has
a Silver Medal, that person might be a good appointee to this committee.
They are now not eligible. Steve Steps pointed out that the rules for
the Silver Medal are ARS rules not NCNH District rules.
An Education Committee meeting was held prior to this meeting and the
committee would like to include an educational aspect in conjunction with
each business meeting. To that end, the question was asked whether the
committee reports could be eliminated and replaced with written reports
that could be emailed to the representatives and society presidents with
printed copies to be distributed at the business meeting. It was then
suggested that copies be placed on the District Web site so they could
be accessed by anyone interested. The general consensus was that all would
prefer to have the reports ahead of time, including Committee Reports,
Financial Report, Agendas, etc. There was no consensus on the method of
delivery however. It was noted that a deadline would need to be set for
all reports to be submitted for reproduction. Alice Affleck will accept
the reports and have them reproduced for distribution at the business
Approved with a majority vote was a motion by Rose
Gilardi and seconded by Michael Devencenzi that:
minutes of each meeting will be sent via email (and posted on the District
Web site) within one month after the business meeting.
days (one month) prior to the next business meeting, each society President
will receive an Agenda for the upcoming business meeting which will
include a copy of the prior meeting's minutes.
the meeting there will be printed copies of all Committee Reports.
COMMITTEE REPORTS - Earl Parsons, District Coordinator
Committee reports were facilitated by Earl Parsons.
Consulting Rosarian Coordinator, Baldo Villegas reported that in
the future there will be a 1-hour CR meeting at each Spring meeting.
There will be a CR School at the Sacramento Fall Conference.
Future Workshops: Genetic fingerprinting of roses, in particular
re viruses. Baldo will keep "hours" on all CRs, there will be sign-up
sheets and credit given for every 4 hours of continuing education.
He is encouraging local societies to work with him to put seminars
together. CR Reports are due and required by all CRs. It has been
sent by email to many, it is also on the District web site
Several apprentices reached their accreditation last year. She is
still awaiting her copy of the paperwork on three.
A number of judges have retired. She noted, in particular, Don Marshall
who has been a judge since 1968, named Outstanding Judge in 1993,
and received a Silver Medal in 1983. Don Marshall was named Horticultural
and Arrangement Judge Emeritus and Beverly presented him with an ARS
name tag and ribbon with that designation.
Requirements for all judges:
1. Submit annual reports. If you do not submit for 2 years, PROBATION;
2. Once every four years you must attend or be a presenter for
a Judging school or seminar.
OGR Judges Seminar, April 21st in Jackson from 10 a.m.
to 2 p.m. Reservations required.
Official List of Exhibition Names will be available for approximately
$10 for ARS Members, $15 if not.
Barbara requested that Societies ask Apprentice Arrangement Judges
to judge shows.
Earl Parsons and Barbara Gordon are planning an arrangements-only
show for next year.
Arrangement workshops: July 28th in Sacramento and August
19th in San Mateo.
CRITERION, Linda Burg-Editor
At present, 228 subscribers with 25 not renewed. Need at least 200
to keep bulk mailing.
LIAISONS, Earl Parsons-District Coordinator
Short reports were made from the following liaisons:
Ted Burg, South East Area; Rose Gilardi, South West Area; Jerry Crumrine,
Central Area; Ernie Magill, North East Area; and Dean Davis, North
West Area.
ROSES IN REVIEW, Alice Affleck
NCNH tied for 3rd in number of reports. Our totals increased
to 251 reports, but not full participation by Consulting Rosarians.
It was noted that this is a requirement of all CRs. The question was
raised about who can submit Roses in Review. The answer is "anyone"…ARS
member or not.
Alice requested that each society designate a contact with email
who would be responsible to take all email communications to the Board
of the society for distribution.
OPERATION R.O.S.E., Dorothy Tyson
Dorothy asked that everyone update their Directory with her new phone
number in Lincoln CA: (916) 408-0175. She said that Operation R.O.S.E.
will have a panel at the March meeting of the San Mateo County Rose
Programs have been updated in the District Directory. Jerry has been
reading old newsletters from District societies looking at past programs.
Source ideas for programs: Master Gardener/CRs, Local nurseries, garden
designers, ARS slide presentations, local universities. He suggested
that varying programs increases membership.
MEMBERSHIP, Mike Devencenzi
Call Mike about help for increasing new and younger members. District
is looking at South Bay to start new society. Most societies need
more PR programs. Pruning demonstrations at local nurseries help increase
Planning an "after-reception" hospitality suite for Fall Conference
in Sacramento.
ARS WEB SITE, Jolene Adams
ARS will sponsor a contest for web pages (similar to newsletter competition).
There will be a local and a District level competition. Criteria for
entry will be on the ARS web site in April and in the April copy of
American Rose. A handout about developing a web page is available
through Jolene.
Needs information about members who volunteer time in areas other
than the Rose Society.
Do not engrave any of the Fall Trophies. Changing the process for
engraving and possibly the bases of some of the District Trophies.
UNSUNG, Ed Yesan
Requesting articles to go into the Criterion. This is a good way
to thank members for their hard work.
PARLIAMENTARIAN, Dolores Moffat No Report
Peninsula Rose Society presented a $100 donation in memory of Thayer
The conference was successful and Charles reported presenting the
District with $252 ($2 for each conference attendee. He noted that
the conference had been planned to report a deficit and it came in
pretty much on target.
Conference Theme: Roses for Now & Forever.
An information packet was distributed to each Society. Baldo mentioned
some of the speakers planned for the conference. He announced some
fund raisers for the event and also noted a $10 rebate on conference
registration for all those who register at the Radisson (conference
hotel) prior to August 1st. Please note: The District Business
Meeting will be 1 1/2 hours and will be held Friday night after the
Extensive discussion ensued with pros and cons of combining both events.
NCNH Bylaws state "The council shall hold a District
Business Meeting in the first quarter of each year and at the annual District
Rose Show Conference." Article V, Item 2 By-Laws of
the NCNH District Revised September 26, 1999.
It was moved and seconded that the NCNH suspend
the rules per Article V, Item 2 of the District By-laws regarding an
Annual District Rose Show Conference for this item only and for one
time only. Motion passed with a vote in excess of the required 2/3 majority
of voting delegates.
A motion was approved to
1) have the Spring 2002 Business meeting in
2) Combine the Annual District Rose Show with the National Convention
in April 2002, and
3) hold a one-day Fall Business meeting with a seminar.
There were no bids for
1) A one-day Fall 2002 Fall Business Meeting and Seminar,
2) 2003 Spring Business Meeting, or
3) 2003 Fall Conference.
The Spring Business Meeting of the NCNH District was adjourned at 1:55
Respectfully Submitted,
Carol Burek
NCNH Secretary
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Posted: March 11, 2001
© 2005, The NCNH District