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Master Rosarian Form (pdf file)
How to become a Consulting Rosarian

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Nichols Trophy

Dr. D. Jay Nichols Trophy

The Dr. D. Jay Nichols Trophy calls for three (3) light, medium, deep yellow, or yellow blend hybrid teas. One variety or three different varieties exhibited in separate containers.

1969 Richard S. Kress
1970 Julian P. Hargrove
1971 Don Marshall
1972 Dr. H.I. Gallagher
1973 Mr. & Mrs. Ed Lisherness
1974 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Klima
1975 Dr. H.I. Gallagher
1976 Dr. H.I. Gallagher
1977 Dr. H.I. Gallagher
1978 Dr. & Mrs. Scott C. Trees
1979 Mr. & Mrs. John Hendrix
1980 Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Lisherness
1981 Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Lisherness
1987 Mary Lou Grogan
1988 Jerry Evans
1989 Dr. Ron Brooks
1990 Duane & Melody Carlson
1992 Dr. Ron Brooks
1993 Susan Chan McCarthy
1995 Duane & Melody Carlson
1997 Susan Chan McCarthy
2000 Tom Bonfigli
2001 Tom Bonfigli
2002 Tom Bonfigli
2004 Gail Trimble
2005 Susan Chan McCarthy
2007 Thomas Bonfigli
2008 Thomas Bonfigli
2009 Sally Estee
2015 Joan Goff
2016 Hilary Elkin
2017 Lou Evans
2023 Lou Evans


Last updated: 1/2/24
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